This topic has been a recurring theme for a very long time and one that I have encountered many times using SSRS. What are the capabilities & limits of exporting reports to Excel? Read the entire post on my blog here.
05 May 2015
This topic has been a recurring theme for a very long time and one that I have encountered many times using SSRS. What are the capabilities & limits of exporting reports to Excel? Read the entire post on my blog here.
Por medio de la presente, el Administrador Único de la mercantil LUCIENT DATA, S.A. (en lo sucesivo, la “Sociedad”), convoca a todos los accionistas de la Sociedad a la Junta General Extraordinaria de la misma que tendrá lugar en el domicilio social, sito en Alicante, C/ Italia 22, Bajo, el próximo día 28 de febrero […]
Suppose that a large car rental company needs to track each customer contract, which is represented by a row in a database table. Each row includes the customer’s identifier and a pair of dates delimiting the rental time period. A SQL request to find all contracts effective between two dates might end up scanning a […]
En cumplimiento de lo previsto en el artículo 319 de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital (“LSC”), se hace constar que la Junta General Extraordinaria de Accionistas de LUCIENT DATA, S.A. (la “Sociedad”), celebrada el 28 de octubre de 2022, aprobó por la mayoría legal y estatuariamente exigible los acuerdos de reducción de capital, cuyos […]