Citizen developer

Look at your data in a new light

Get all the support you need to improve your organization with data insights

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Where we can help you

Citizen developer help

Smart planning

We will help you use your company's resources and assets more efficiently.

Citizen developer smart planning

Safe and proactive

Be more efficient and stay secure while promoting innovation

Citizen developer safe and proactive

Time-saving automation

Avoid wasting time by automating repetitive processes.

Focus on your primary value

You know that data is essential, but you don’t have the time or desire to be a data expert – that’s where we can help. We’ll help you plan, manage and get the most from your data.

Spend more time on your role and forget about technical issues. Get the information, data visualization, and reports you need, minus the headache.

Citizen developer
Citizen developer

Leave your data in good hands

We’ve got the technical know-how to correctly map your data structure and find your status quo before making improvements. Make your life easier – anticipate potential issues and avoid errors in the future.

Getting your data mapping and processes right is essential to success. Work with a partner who can take responsibility, supporting you whenever you need us.


Run a flawless system

Let us help you remove the bottlenecks. We find that most systems can be improved, run faster, and become easier to use, with fewer errors.

Learn how systems are connected and get recommendations on better tools and techniques you can use.

Citizen developers
Citizen developer 4


With our fixed price managed services, you can accurately predict your data technology platform spending. Leave us to carry out routine work and administrative tasks, freeing up your team to complete more essential and innovative work.

Empowering Businesses

Speak to a world-leading expert about Data Intelligence solutions for your business

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Data insights


Por medio de la presente, el Administrador Ăšnico de la mercantil LUCIENT DATA, S.A. (en lo sucesivo, la “Sociedad”), convoca a todos los accionistas de la Sociedad a la Junta General Extraordinaria de la misma que tendrá lugar en el domicilio social, sito en Alicante, C/ Italia 22, Bajo, el prĂłximo dĂ­a 28 de febrero […]

A Static Relational Interval Tree

Suppose that a large car rental company needs to track each customer contract, which is represented by a row in a database table. Each row includes the customer’s identifier and a pair of dates delimiting the rental time period. A SQL request to find all contracts effective between two dates might end up scanning a […]

Acuerdos corporativos de Lucient Data SA

En cumplimiento de lo previsto en el artĂ­culo 319 de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital (“LSC”), se hace constar que la Junta General Extraordinaria de Accionistas de LUCIENT DATA, S.A. (la “Sociedad”), celebrada el 28 de octubre de 2022, aprobĂł por la mayorĂ­a legal y estatuariamente exigible los acuerdos de reducciĂłn de capital, cuyos […]

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